
发布时间: 2017-09-14     浏览次数: 6185

   杨健晟BEng. PhD







    杨健晟1987-本科就读于伟德bv1946官方网站,化学与化学工程学院,过程装备与控制工程专业,于2010年毕业,获工学学士学位。硕博连读于英国谢菲尔德大学The University of Sheffield),工程学院,机械工程系,燃烧与流体诊断实验室,于2016年毕业,获哲学博士学位。研究方向为:计算机视觉,燃烧诊断技术。现担任伟德国际victor1946视觉检测课题组负责人,测控技术与仪器系教师,检测技术与自动化装置硕导,贵州省大数据专家库专家,国际燃烧协会Combustion Institute成员,《Measurement Science and TechnologySCI期刊评审。


>> 主要学术经历:

2016.04-至今        伟德国际victor1946,讲师、硕导、视觉检测课题组负责人

2016.04-2016.06           中国职业技术培训中心,高级工业机器人工程师;

2014.10-2015.10           意大利安莎尔多能源公司,项目研究员

2012.03-2015.04           英国谢菲尔德大学,实验助教;

2011.11-2016.01           英国谢菲尔德大学机械工程学院,哲学博士;

2006.09-2010.07           伟德bv1946官方网站化学与化工学院,工学学士;

>> 主要教学课程:

本科生课程:       《传感器原理及应用》、《过程控制仪表》、《测控专业英语》;

研究生课程:       《误差理论与数据处理》;

>> 主要科研项目:





5.意大利Ansaldo Energria S.p.A 公司项目,Software analysis upon images of industrial gas turbine combustion processes2014/10-2015/10,参与;

6.英国John Crane 公司项目,Coupling Membrane test with a high speed camera and its analysis2013/04-2013/08,参与;

7.英国工程和物理研究理事会EPSRC KTA 知识交流项目,Digital stereo imaging and signal processing based condition monitoring technology for wind turbine blades2012/1-2012/12,参与;

8.英国工程和物理研究理事会EPSRC项目, Clean Coal Combustion-Burning Issues of Syngas Burning2009/10-2013/03,参与;

>> 主要学术论著:

1. J. Yang, Vision-based Measurement for Combustion and Vibration Studies, The University of Sheffield, PhD Thesis, 2016;

2. J. Yang, F. M. S. Mossa, H. W. Huang, Q. Wang, R. Woolley and Y. Zhang, Oscillating Flames in Open Tubes, Proceedings of Combustion Institute, 2015, 35: 2075-2082; (SCI,IF:4.12)

3. Q. Wang, J. Yang, H. W. Huang, Y. Zhang and C. Zhao, Three-dimensional Investigation of the Dynamics of a Propane Diffusion Flame, Fuel, 2014, 116: 448-454;(SCI,IF:4.601)

4.H. W. Huang J. Yang, Q. Wang and Y. Zhang, Variation of Hydrocarbon Composition and Ignition Locations on the Radiative Flame Initistion Characteristics through Multi-dimensional DFCD Incorporated Image Analysis, Fuel, 2013, (103): 334-346;(SCI,IF:4.601)

5.J. Yang, F. M. S. Mossa, H. W. Huang, Q. Wang, R. Woolley and Y. Zhang, Oscillating Flames in Open Tubes, The 35th International Symposium on Combustion, San Francisco, USA, 2014.8.3-8.8;

6.J. Yang, Z. Ma and Y. Zhang, A Novel Flame Chemiluminescence Measurement using a Digital Colour Camera, 25th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, ICDERS 2015, Leeds, UK, 2015.8.2-8.7;

7. Q. Wang, J. Yang, Y. Wang, Y. Zhang and C. Y. Zhao, Experimental Investigation of Co-flow Effect on Ignition Process of a Methane Jet Diffusion Flame, 25th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, ICDERS 2015, Leeds, UK, 2015.8.2-8.7;